Tuesday, September 16, 2008

body of Christ

yesterday was an emotional day. amanda and i talked briefly in the morning before i went over to the prayer center to meet with the staff for monday morning prayer togethere. actually, she talked and i listened. she was struggling with our transition.

i gave her hug and headed out the door unaware that in just a few minutes, i would be pouring out my heart to God in an unihibited expression of my emotions that i had yet to release.

i have been able to avoid "breaking down" through this process. as i examined the fact that the Valantine family only had 2 weeks left to serve at Dayspring, it hit me. i have developed so many friendships in BG. i could spend hours describing the amazing people god has brought into my life in the last 3 years.

this is no easy sacrifice to leave. but, we know God has called us and now that we have made a good decision, it's time to make our decision good! (thanks, Konan)

i beleive the next season of life will reveal the next several Godly friends that He has in sotre for our family. we are sad, but we are optimistic and exicted about the potential to go to a new city and reach many with the hope of the Gospel!

the body of Christ came areound my family yesterday to encourage and join their hearts with ours. for that, i am blessed and thankful. what a joy to be part of the family of God!


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