Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Party

We had a great time at the Annual XLR8 Christmas Party last night. The white elephant gifts are always interesting and create great moments to remember.

The award presentations were special and Amanda & I were so proud of the winners!

Thanks to Jacquee for organizing all the decorations and food!!

The youth leaders sang a unique song sung like the 12 days of Christmas, but with an XLR8 spin on it . . .

12 Things Leaders Want
Next year in XLR8, the leaders want to see . .

1. At least one student get saved
2. Two big banners to hang on the wall with XLR8 on them so students know who we are when they visit on Wednesday nights
3. Hundred Visitors
4. . . giving Others
5. (This will change each time through)
a. 5 Dollars in the Offering
b. No broken fan blades
c. A raise in our pay!
d. 5 students praying
e. The keyboard to keep working
f. No talking during the sermon
g. Brand new youth pastor
h. A new tech team coordinator
6. X-Teams Running
7. New adult leaders
8. Summer Interns
9. Brand New Hummers
10. New Jones Flavors
11. More small groups
12. Months of Summer

All in all, a great night!

Monday, December 17, 2007

8 Days Left

Are you Christmas Day countdown person? If you have done the following, you qualify for this title: used more then one hand to count how many days until Dec. 25th, used a calculator to see how long until Christmas, or you have some sort of house or tree or gadget that you use each day in which you close or open a door with numbers that correspond to the days in December.

There is help if you fit this category so don't worry. You can be set free from this addiction to Christmas. As long as you are anticipating the celebration of the birth of Christ and not too anxious about "getting" stuff, I guess you're alright.

We celebrated Christmas with my parents on Friday night. Annie and Katie loved opening the gifts and seeing the cool toys inside. Nash rolled around as usual and seemed to enjoy the excitement. Thanks mom and dad for all the great gifts!!

Tonight, the Valantines are traveling to my homeland - Y-town (Youngstown, OH). We plan to connect with some friends for dinner tonight. I love connecting with old friends. My advice for the day. Try and keep in touch with friends you make over the years even when you move away from them. They can be some of the dearest and closest and most important people right when you need them.

On a side note, Scrooge is complete for 2007. I had a blast working with each students, young adult, parent and grandparent in the play. I was so proud of Annie. She really came alive during the play and yesterday she sang a solo for the children's musical. I know I'm biased, but she's got talent!! You go, girl!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Games and Trivia

I love Christmas trivia, guessing games (how many m & m's are in the jar), group games like Taboo, Catch Phrase, Four on the Couch, etc. Actually, my favorite all time group game that we always played around the Holidays when I was growing up is called . . . Balderdash. Anyone played that?

I loved it cause the most creative person usually won. Truth be told, I usually didn't win, but I always gave my best effort. You had to make up definitions to crazy words from the dictionary that no one had ever heard of. After definitions are creatively constructed, each player voted on the definition they thought was actually correct (each round someone would actually write the real definition and include it in with the others).

My all time favorite was when my friend, Dan, wrote this definition, "A dog in ugly." What was the word? Does it matter? Often, the definitions didn't make sense.

Anyway, I can't wait for more crazy Christmas games, trivia, and loads of fun this Christmas. These times are recipes for great memories. Last night, at our Young Adult Christmas Party, someone guessed there were 44,000 m & m's in a jar (there were 1808). There were interesting Christmas cookies made and during Catch Phrase, which the guys won, I discovered the true character of some of my Young Adult Leaders. All in all, we had a great time!

If you are a student, don't miss the XLR8 Annual Christmas Party on Dec. 19th. We will have some crazy contests and tons of fun!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Toys R Us

Last night, our family spent 2 hours in Toys R Us! I don't care how old you are, toy stores are cool. Annie and Kaitie were pulling toys off the shelf left and right. Nash was getting involved too. Amanda gave him some monkey toy - mirror thing and he held on to it for dear life.

We bought a new game for the youth, you'll have to come to the next board game party to find out what it is. Any guesses?

Next time you can, hit a toy store, you will walk out smiling!

Where a kid can be a kid!

Monday, December 10, 2007

what do you do with your free time?

I barely ever get "free time." I have come to terms with this over the last few years. With 3 kids, a full time job (emphasis on full), helping around the house, and a partridge in a pear tree, it just doesn't happen often.

However, those rare moments when something on the schedule gets canceled creates "free time" for me. Last night was one of those moments. Our Gospel According to Scrooge performance was canceled due to weather. I didn't know what to do! Yes, i did watch some football. After that, I organized our filing system (bills, product warranties, keepsakes, etc).

I know, sounds like a blast. A few people were over the house and one of them overheard me say to Amanda that once the kids are in bed, we can organize the office/Annie's classroom. I know, we have turned into "old people." It's scary.

Oh well, next time when I get some "free time," I'll have to think of something more exciting!

What do you do with "free time?"

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My life

Do you like your life? I ask myself that question on occasion. I think of the Switchfoot song ARE YOU WHO YOU WANT TO BE? I think life is more about perspective.

I was reading today in one of my new favorite books, IN A PIT WITH A LION ON A SNOWY DAY, that how we feel is not necessarily based on our circumstances, but our perception of those circumstances.

What are you talking about, Matt!!?? Example: When you pray, we ask God to take away the difficult things. Why?? Shouldn't we just ask for strength to get through it? We might really need that difficult thing to teach us or to shape us.

This is why worship is so important, according to Mark Batterson, author of IN A PIT WITH A LION ON A SNOWY DAY. It helps us take a step back, look at the big picture, and allow God to show you why you are facing what you are facing.

Some interesting thoughts to consider. I know I will!

Tonight is our final Scrooge practice. Oh my word!!