Monday, December 17, 2007

8 Days Left

Are you Christmas Day countdown person? If you have done the following, you qualify for this title: used more then one hand to count how many days until Dec. 25th, used a calculator to see how long until Christmas, or you have some sort of house or tree or gadget that you use each day in which you close or open a door with numbers that correspond to the days in December.

There is help if you fit this category so don't worry. You can be set free from this addiction to Christmas. As long as you are anticipating the celebration of the birth of Christ and not too anxious about "getting" stuff, I guess you're alright.

We celebrated Christmas with my parents on Friday night. Annie and Katie loved opening the gifts and seeing the cool toys inside. Nash rolled around as usual and seemed to enjoy the excitement. Thanks mom and dad for all the great gifts!!

Tonight, the Valantines are traveling to my homeland - Y-town (Youngstown, OH). We plan to connect with some friends for dinner tonight. I love connecting with old friends. My advice for the day. Try and keep in touch with friends you make over the years even when you move away from them. They can be some of the dearest and closest and most important people right when you need them.

On a side note, Scrooge is complete for 2007. I had a blast working with each students, young adult, parent and grandparent in the play. I was so proud of Annie. She really came alive during the play and yesterday she sang a solo for the children's musical. I know I'm biased, but she's got talent!! You go, girl!

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