Thursday, July 31, 2008

the wave

as i sit at the kitchen table this beautiful Thursday morning, my son, Nash, is waving to me. i'm not sure why he waves so much, but he definitely enjoys when you wave back to him or smile. the wave is an amazing thing . . . there he goes again, this time with more force and emotion.

people enjoy it when you recognize them and show them they are important by wave, hand shake, high five or even a head nod. i personally love the head nod. when someone is too cool to lift their hand high enough to wave or even smile at you, they will throw you the head nod to recognize you are worth their time and effort.

doesn't everybody deserve a wave or a head nod?

we are particular though about who receives these from us, aren't we?

twice in the last 48 hours, this verse from James 1 has crossed my path, "religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

what does that have to do with waves and head nods? well, James is talking about people who are outcasts in today's society. we must learn to love and reach out to these people who are labeled by the world as lesser or unimportant.

this means waving to them, head nodding, high fives, noogies, chest bumps, fist pounds and every other way you can think to greet or show your affection for people.

we cannot think of ourselves more highly than we are. and how high are we? (that's a loaded question). talking about, how elevated is our status compared to everyone else in the world. well, didn't Jesus say we must humble ourselves, like servant if we want to be great in the Kingdom of God?

so, this whole wave and head nod and accept everyone, regardless of the status symbol the world has branded them with, idea needs to be more than something we just happen to do. we must be intentional, seeking out the outcasts to chest bump (guys with guys and girl with girls - please) and fist pound.

this is our duty! this is the religion that God accepts as "pure and faultless."

so, the next time Nash or someone else waves to you, or the cool guy at school gives you a head nod, or some junior higher initiates you with a 15 part secret handshake . . . remember those who aren't even being recognized as people, and show them that they are important to God!


Monday, July 28, 2008

still going simple

i hope you aren't tired of hearing about simplifying your lifestyle yet. well, you did come to my bog, so i guess you're stuck with whatever info i want to talk about.

today, Amanda and i began a new path on our spiritual journey together as a couple. we have been struggling to find/make time to spend a significant amount of time together praying, reading scripture, and sharing about what God is doing in our lives.

i suggested that we start out each morning at 7am!

will this require sacrifice? you better believe it. i like sleeping, but it's worth it. i got up around 6:40am, brewed a pot of decaf (amanda's choice) and spent some personal time praying and reading (Mark 15-16), and then came the biggest task of the
day . . . waking up sleeping beauty. no, i don't think Amanda needs beauty sleep. in fact, i am convinced that all our kids got my good looks because Amanda still has hers.

i tip-toed into the room, approached the bed, and screamed, GET UP YOU LAZY BUM! just kidding. she actually was up pretty quick and met me at the kitchen table. we shared a very simple, but critical 15-20 minutes together praying and talking about life. it was amazing.

i think God will bless our efforts to start our day together with Him. i also believe we will be a stronger couple and know each other better as we talk and pray. i can tell you exactly what is on Amanda's heart today and what she is trusting God for. simple, but effective.

as you go simple, think of the simple things that you can do to make your life, marriage, family, church, job, etc. meaningful and purposeful. for some, it may be those few minutes with God each morning. for others, you may need to plan to play a family board game tonight (yes, make the teenagers play - and make them set it up and clean it up too!)

other simple ways to live this day for God by being intentional:

*think of someone that you are having a difficult time with and find a way to serve them
*pull out one of your favorite books and read it again
*call up a friend and ask them what you can pray for them about today
*write a letter to one of your spiritual mentors thanking them for the investment they made in your life
*take a walk and sing something
*if you and your wife a special song, play it after dinner and dance together
*sacrifice something you don't really need and give a little extra to missions this weekend

simple takes a bit of energy, but not too much. actually, your spirit may be refreshed so much that you feel like you have more energy than before you did something.

i know i want to make a difference in people's lives. if i'm not doing that, i'm not doing much!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

go simple (part 2)

simple can be so refreshing! last night amanda and i took the kids to my softball game (ok, not so simple for her), but afterward, we went home and spent an hour with the kids on the living room floor before we put them to bed.

it was a special time, and so simple. we didn't have anything planned for evening activities, we just hung out loving on each other. kaitie and i started a new game called Cross & Kiss. when she crosses my lap, she has to kiss me. nash caught on and was offering up kisses too. we had a blast!

here is an example of going simple: we cut Nash's hair yesterday for the first time . . . check it out

Amanda called me around 1:30pm and asked me to come home and help with the haircut (she got in over her head a bit). another sign of going simple. now, sometimes my schedule is too busy to come home and help, but it's a slower week for me and i was able to enjoy the first haircut for Nash. i even helped cut some of the hair!

what are you trying to say, Matt?

If we are cautious when it comes to our schedule, we will have flexibility to participate in the important events in life. take this next example . . .

i have missed out on weddings and funerals lately for extended family members and friends because of "THE SCHEDULE." i have been discouraged about this and looking to make a change. i have also been praying for ways to show support to my sister and brother-in-law (Melissa & Jeremiah), who i very rarely get a chance to be with.

well, i got a call this week that Jeremiah's grandmother passed away and services would be Thursday & Friday! Perfect! i have some flexibility in my schedule, i juggled some things and now i can go to Youngstown, OH and support them.

are you catching the point? i hope that you can simplify your life. try it for a month and measure the results. i guarantee you will see some differences in the atmosphere surrounding your family. trust me on this one!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

go simple

amanda and i have been talking a lot lately about simplifying our lives. we've decided that over complicating our lives is not something we are interested in. no one can be in control of our lives for us, we have to take the initiative.

there is a great attack on families in today's society. husbands and wives are being attacked and families are feeling the stress of life. as Christians, we cannot sit back and wait for the enemy by taking a defensive approach. God, our Father, has given us His armor so we can go on the offensive.

i spoke with a mom this past week who decided to go simple and limited the summer schedule. she was pleased with the results. i think we will see this happening more often, and we applaud it!

here are some guidelines for going simple:

map out your families normal weekly schedule just so you can see it on paper
-look for blocks of time that are unplanned. see any? if not, you have some major work ahead of you.
-what are the 3 things dominating your week? this may indicate your priorities. are you ok with these?

go through one room in your house this week and de-clutter.
-throw away or give away anything you haven't used in one year

set aside blocks of time in your life, and plan . . . NOTHING!
-relax and be together as a family with no agenda

say no to adding something to your simple life!
-for some of you, this will be hard, but you have to do it!
-if you feel bad, just tell them you already have an appointment. (you do! with your family)

i hope this helps and encourages you. we are still just getting started on this, but excited about the potential of going simple!


Saturday, July 12, 2008


it's a rainy, dreary Saturday in BG, Ohio.

(1) i am watching cartoons with Kaitie. saturday morning cartoons just feel right no matter how old you are. i really like Handy Manny. (Nash is down for his morning nap, saturday naps seem right too - especially when it's raining, but i never take one)

(2) i washed my tennis shoes in the washing machine for the first time ever. i let them air dry so the dryer wouldn't beat them up. the stains on the top were still there when the dried. my mom asked me if i sprayed them with stain remover before washing them. no. well, round 2 for the shoes i guess.

(3) tuesday is the MLB All-Star game. this is one of my favorite sporting events of the year. i love watching the home run derby monday and seeing the best players in the game compete. my favorite player, Roy Halladay (pitcher for the Blue Jays), made the team and might even start for the American League. He dominated the Yankees last night!

(4) we had new DVD players installed in our van this past week. the ones we got originally had one minor problem . . . the screen kept falling open. yeah, this isn't good when every time it happens the movie stops and starts from the beginning. the kids have been really patient with the process, but the new ones have no sound so i have to take the van back in next week.

(5) our church hired a pastor to families with children. he start aug 1. last night the staff and board met at pastor scott's house for a cook out (bbq ribs & chicken & home made ice cream). we played corn hole and andrew bartholomew and i won 5 games in a row. we were on fire. i am thinking about joining a league! lol.

well, Jo Jo's Circus is on . . . one of my favorites!


Thursday, July 10, 2008


today is my 9th wedding anniversary, so please indulge me as i brag on my amazing wife:

(1) amanda is special because she loves God and has a personal relationship with Him

(2) amanda is special because she has a great sense of humor

(3) amanda is special because she works hard to make our home a special place

(4) amanda is special because she is gifted in so many ways . . . music, preaching, leading, loving . . .

(5) amanda is special because she puts up with me every day

(6) amanda is special because she can be friends with anyone

(7) amanda is special because she likes all the sports teams i like and knows a lot about sports

(8) amanda is special because she has amazing patience when it comes to raising our children

(9) amanda is special because she prays a lot for me, our family, and our ministry

(10) amanda is special because she is amanda!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Green Bay

i am heading home from Green Bay. actually, i am not heading anywhere yet. i am sitting in a business station at Green Bay airport blogging, waiting for my delayed flight.

i spent a few days at the Bible Quiz National Competition. our team did amazing yesterday. they competed against the top 40 teams from around the country. they worked themselves into a playoff yesterday and earned the right to compete in the Championship Bracket. so far today, they are 2-4 against the top 20 teams in the Nation!

i have had a blast hanging out with them. i love students. we have some of the best, ok, the best in the nation. spending time with them keeps me young and challenges me. these students love God!

so much spiritual growth has taken place in XLR8 Youth Ministries over the past month. students are witnessing like crazy, praying like crazy, and living for God like crazy. I LOVE IT! i couldn't be more proud. i know the enemy wants us to put the cruise control on and coast, but we are going to press the gas a bit more and press into God.

i like that, "press the gas;" i may use that for a sermon title.

amanda has been amazing with my schedule over the past month. she has worked extra hard to make sure the kids are taken care of, the youth ministry is running, and everything continues to happen while i am away. i am so thankful for her! it's a shame that we don't show our appreciation more to the ones we love the most.

i am committed to do that more when i get back to real life. i know God has some big plans for the Valantine family. i have to do my part to make it happen!

well, it's time to board the plane!
