Monday, December 10, 2007

what do you do with your free time?

I barely ever get "free time." I have come to terms with this over the last few years. With 3 kids, a full time job (emphasis on full), helping around the house, and a partridge in a pear tree, it just doesn't happen often.

However, those rare moments when something on the schedule gets canceled creates "free time" for me. Last night was one of those moments. Our Gospel According to Scrooge performance was canceled due to weather. I didn't know what to do! Yes, i did watch some football. After that, I organized our filing system (bills, product warranties, keepsakes, etc).

I know, sounds like a blast. A few people were over the house and one of them overheard me say to Amanda that once the kids are in bed, we can organize the office/Annie's classroom. I know, we have turned into "old people." It's scary.

Oh well, next time when I get some "free time," I'll have to think of something more exciting!

What do you do with "free time?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, last night, I went out on the roads, and purchased a new vacuum cleaner for us. As you said, "fun stuff", eh? And I worked on balancing the checkbook. Ah yes, the joys of being a "grownup." Heh. Other than that, "free time" (when it happens) consists of playing the Wii or DS, or cleaning up around the house/organizing, or any other things I've put off lately.