Wednesday, September 24, 2008

being separate

today is SYATP (see you at the pole). a yearly date chosen where students all over the world gather at their school's flagpole to pray. i had the privilege of praying at Bowling Green High School with about 25 people (students, teachers, and parents).

days like this cause me to be so proud! i love seeing people, especially teenagers, choosing to be separate by standing up for something they believe in!

it may sound easy, but until you stand up for what is right in front of hundreds who don't support you or share your beliefs, you really have no idea!

tonight, i have the privilege of preaching to many of the students of XLR8 for one last time. God has placed a message on my heart titled, "living for God in an unGodly world." i am so thankful that scores of teenagers (junior & senior high), have chosen to live for God by being separate in a world that is far from God's heart.

will you choose to be separate today by your speech, actions, and lifestyle? will you choose to live a Godly life in an unGodly environment? where is your boldness? what is your walk with Christ worth to you?

"come out from among them and BE SEPARATE"
-2 Corinthians 6:17


1 comment:

Andy Warren said...


I'm so excited for you...looking forward to getting together...schedule syncing is tough but let's make it work