Sunday, July 20, 2008

go simple

amanda and i have been talking a lot lately about simplifying our lives. we've decided that over complicating our lives is not something we are interested in. no one can be in control of our lives for us, we have to take the initiative.

there is a great attack on families in today's society. husbands and wives are being attacked and families are feeling the stress of life. as Christians, we cannot sit back and wait for the enemy by taking a defensive approach. God, our Father, has given us His armor so we can go on the offensive.

i spoke with a mom this past week who decided to go simple and limited the summer schedule. she was pleased with the results. i think we will see this happening more often, and we applaud it!

here are some guidelines for going simple:

map out your families normal weekly schedule just so you can see it on paper
-look for blocks of time that are unplanned. see any? if not, you have some major work ahead of you.
-what are the 3 things dominating your week? this may indicate your priorities. are you ok with these?

go through one room in your house this week and de-clutter.
-throw away or give away anything you haven't used in one year

set aside blocks of time in your life, and plan . . . NOTHING!
-relax and be together as a family with no agenda

say no to adding something to your simple life!
-for some of you, this will be hard, but you have to do it!
-if you feel bad, just tell them you already have an appointment. (you do! with your family)

i hope this helps and encourages you. we are still just getting started on this, but excited about the potential of going simple!



Anonymous said...

I love it Pastor Matt! And yet I know that's got to be hard being in ministry, because so many people expect so much out of you. I think the Church needs to do the same thing...go simple! Less "planned activity" and more just "everyday life" and ministry! There'd be a lot less stress I bet!

Praying for the best for you!

Matt Valantine said...

thanks, Craig! you are absolutely right. the church, the family, our personal lives, it all makes sense.

what will we gain by being too busy? the question to ask is, what will we lose?