Saturday, May 10, 2008

sun shining saturday

**the days i wake up and the sun is shining on me are my favorite. i am much more of a sun guy than a cloudy, rainy day guy.

(1) i am in Lexington, KY with out Teen Bible Quiz team. they had a good day yesterday, winning 6 out of 10 matches. if they do well today, they will be headed to Green Bay, WI for Nationals in July. I used to be quizzer. never made it to nationals, but was part of the 1997 State Champion team in Ohio.

(2) today, i was reading Daniel. Can you imagine if someone like Hillary Clinton were president and God gave you the interpretation to a dream she had. Would you have the boldness to tell her the meaning if it was bad news for her? daniel did that for the king, and he wasn't sharing good news with him. i pray i would have that kind of boldness.

**and what about the king's response. how many times did he have to see God do something before he started acknowledging that he was the one true God? seriously, the guy just didn't get it.

(3) X-Treme days will begin in 25 days in XLR8. i love the excitement that surrounds teams coming together, creatively planning their next big thing, motivating, encouraging, and competing for an ultimate prize. i like competition, let's not lie about it. however, when students play hard, they also pray hard. ever been to camp? i am believing for 50 new faces over 5 weeks, salvations, unity, and God to be God!

(4) Nash will be turning one on June 7th. i have a hard time remembering his birthday because he his due date was June 12th. anyone else have problems remembering dates? he is standing up leaning on tables and chairs. scooting around pretty good, and starting to say words. (first word = da da)! he is my favorite son!

(5) i have more to say, but am being pulled away for more Bible Quiz competition . . .

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