Saturday, June 20, 2009

heat wave

yesterday was definitely one of the most humid days i have experienced in a long time. after the storm blew through, it seemed like you could cut the air with a knife!

we, @ the Valantine house, have been holding out to light up the air conditioner . . . that is until last night. at 3am nash seemed upset and wouldn't fall asleep, and i had tossed and turned for 2+hours, so i gave in. i shut all the windows and began to embrace the cool breeze that we Americans are so fortunate to appreciate.

i fell right to sleep.

in fact, i feel more productive today! i am dreading the grass cutting which in inevitable today. i need one of those helmets with the thermos and a line to my mouth to inhale some H2O as i manicure the lawn.

spiritual implications to all that . . . well, here goes . . .

the storm blowing through can symbolize a fresh encounter with God. often, we can bottom out (dry out) shortly after this experience. we seem to hold out during this dry time thinking we are weak to go back to the source for more refreshing. we kick and scream not wanting to turn the air on because it will cost us something . . . time? energy? sacrifice?

we get frustrated, irritable, and tend to lose sleep during this dry time, when really at any moment, we could turn on the air and experience another round of refreshment, another touch from the source - God!

when we finally give in and return to the source and live in the refreshment, we wonder why we waited so long. it feels so good and seems to make everything go a little smoother. or, we at least fell less irritable.

so, my application for this is . . . experience God today in some way, but don't get satisfied and comfortable with what you get today. go back for more tomorrow, let Him fill you, and then, go spill out on others. 2 days from now . . . repeat the process. 3 days . . . do it again. 4 days . . . well, i think you get the picture!


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