Wednesday, April 30, 2008

define a long day

(1) i had a friend's mom tell me once that if you don't look at the clock before you go to sleep, you won't be as tired when you wake up, kind of a mental thing i guess. the time seems to be everywhere though . . . on the wall, on my cell, my computer, tv, computer . . . i can't seem to get away from it. days can be pretty long if you get an early start . . . stinkin worms! i really do like getting an early start to the day, but by 10pm, i am beat!

(2) in my reading today (Daniel 2) - i was pretty impressed with two of Daniel's responses when God gave him the interpretation of the King's dream. #1 - he thanked God immediately, #2 - he gave God all the credit when he was talking to the king. what was the king's reaction? he praised the God of Daniel. Yes! A victory for God and Daniel.

(3) my kids have the greatest smiles! i guess amanda and i should get some credit for that, i mean they are a combo of our smiles i guess. each of them can light up my day when they simply smile when i see them. nash has like 3.01 teeth right now and just makes me laugh when he flashes the pearly whites. i thank God for their beautiful smiles!

(4) tonight we had a great time of prayer before xlr8. no music. no big hype. just crying out to God, declaring our desperation on Him. it paid off as several students responded to the altars after the message God put on my heart was delivered. those who responded wanted to be better listeners so they don't miss when God speaks to them! i am so proud of them!

(5) HDTV is amazing (i know that's random, but i'm watching the Celtics & Hawks and the pic is amazing!)

(6) i found out today that Kaitie doesn't do peanuts very well. you may be wondering why i would give her a bowl of peanuts before breakfast. well, someone left them in the living room last night and she spotted them first thing this morning. once she sets her mind on something to eat, it's a done deal. if i would've said no, everyone would've been woken up to screams. regardless, i was picking up peanuts (wet with saliva) all over the house today

(7) tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer. i need to get some sleep because i have a breakfast bright and early


1 comment:

Chris Smith said...

Keep blogging man, I love it!