Saturday, November 24, 2007

recess & lunch

am i the only one that wishes i could be a baby again? i mean, talk about an easy life. eat, sleep, empty the stomach, repeat, repeat. does it get any easier? you don't have to worry about eating too much turkey, putting on 5 pounds, picking out clothes to wear tomorrow, balancing a checkbook, etc.

okay, i would settle for elementary school. times were easy back then. lunch and recess were the most important parts of the day, get off the bus and play until dinner, play after dinner until dark, take a bath, mom picks out your clothes, still not worries about watching what you eat or paying the bills, and tomorrow is a lot like today.

i am guilty of wanting to be older when i was a kid, but every adult wishes he/she could be younger again. when you're young, the stress level is low, no one expects much of you, you don't worry so much about the intentions of others, you just give people the benefit of the doubt. faith is easy, and dreams are big!

i guess this is why JESUS said we all need "child-like" faith. all our intelligence, planning, and stress gets in the way. moral of the story? when it comes to the important stuff . . . the GOD-stuff . . . don't complicate it . . . just believe!

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