Friday, July 6, 2007

Fireworks vs. Bang Snaps

Happy 4th of July week to everyone. Does anyone else ever wonder if people are actually reading your blog posts? If you read this, humor me and shoot me a quick e-mail for encouragement. (Go back to the staff page and click e-mail) I saw my fair share of fireworks this week. It started at the Sanctus Real concert in Sylvania, then it was the Toledo show, and I caught some of BG's show as well (From my house! I am definitely charging for parking next year).

The big fireworks shows are great. I mean, there is just something about a real loud bang and a masterpiece of colors sprayed across the sky. You also have the grand finale. I personally love it when someone says, "oooo, that must be the finale," when it clearly isn't. Come on! You'll know it's the finale when you see it, it's the highlight of the show.

Think back to when you were just a kid. Maybe you were throwing some of these this week. What am I talking about? Bang snaps. You know, those little white wrapped up things that snap when you throw them on the ground. What do they put in those to make them do that? Bang snaps are nowhere near as flashy and showy as the grand finale, but they still are vital to the arsenal of 4th of July materials.

This reminds me of our walk with God. Everyone loves the big show, the lights, the flair, the high energy and emotional displays that happen occasionally, but what about the bang snaps. The everyday, non-flashy and non-emotional events in our walk with God. Our foundation should be built on these moments, not the grand finales. Now, don't get me wrong, big events aren't bad, emotional times with God are not to be taken lightly, but our Christianity should not be built on the show and the hype.

Your bang snaps might be your personal quiet time with God, a challenging conversation with a Christian friend or family member, or serving someone you know. Don't wait around for the grand finale and expect to make it. Live daily embracing the bang snaps and your foundation will be solid, unless of course you get blindsided by an m-100.

Happy 4th of July!


Anonymous said...

I'm reading your blog! Good illustration Pastor Matt!

Jim "E" said...

Good, Job I also Am reading your blog.