Thursday, March 5, 2009



a 1 year old baby boy who wakes up at 12:30am and gets daddy to stay awakewith him for 2 hours is probably spolied.

at least i got to catch up on some TIVO'd shows. remember life before TIVO? i faintly do. it's amazing how accustomed (spoiled) we have bcome with the latest technology.

i remember living in Bowling Green. Annie was was 3 years old. we had to make some cutbacks financially. satlellite TV would have to go for awhile. we busted out the bunny ears and we rolling with "farmer vision." annie was watching TV and had to go to the bathroom. she asked me to pause the show she was watching. when i told her we couldn't do that anymore, she started crying hysterically. i don't think she believed me. pretty spoiled, huh?

how have you become spoiled in life? compared to people who lived 100 or 1000 years ago? i bet you are. just imagine life without fastfood, microwaves, cell phones, computers, alarm clocks, ipods, garage door openers, dvd players - for your van or SUV, answering machines, fax machines, cell phones, copier/printer/scaners, the internet - google, youtube, facebook, netflix, online shopping, remote controls (imagine having to get up and change the channel manually), washing machines, dish washers, thermostat controls, video conferencing, GPS, did i say cell phones?

i just read about 4-way golf glasses that block out background colors so you can find your ball easier and they reduce contrast so you can read breaks and contours of the green easier. wow!

that's not all, they now have laser guided parking systems that show you exactly how far you need to pull in to the garage so you can safely shut it once you park you car! are you kidding?

what is the common thread of all these things? technology. why am i reminded of the closing scene of Napoleon Dynamite right now? have you wondered what the next greatest tech device will be?

whatever it is, it will most likely spoil us even more. why are you talking about this, Matt? why to sudden soapbox on tech? don't you have a cell phone, a GPS, and sweet 4-way glasses for golf? yes, well, except for the glasses.

i guess i just long for simplicity in some ways. while most of the tech advances are conveinent, some tend to be inconvenient at times, like my cell, my laptop, and my answering machine.

i long to be disconnected from the world instead of so connected. i desire a place of solitude - ok, i desire a stranded desert island most days. don't get me wrong, i love people, especially my family. i love my ministry too, but i just need to disconnect so i can connect with my Heavenly Father.

actually, i plan to do that sometime today. i need that time regularly. it's a hard discipline, but crucial!

so, if you call, e-mail, text, or facebook me and i don't respond right away, you will know why!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's funny, I was just telling Gayle about how we're spoiled as a nation, AND as a church...and how a lot of people's faith is going to be shaken both now, and in upcoming days as the economic crisis gets worse. Then she told me about how you just blogged this.

I agree with you Pastor Matt, there are a LOT of times I want/need to totally disconnect so i can be alone with the Father. I really am looking for simpler ways as well.

Take care.