Saturday, October 11, 2008


who invented kids?

okay, trivia time: who were the only 2 people ever who were never kids? come on Bible scholars. the same two people who didn't have belly buttons . . . come on, one was missing a rib, the other had only one rib (maybe) . . .

come on, wait for it . . . wait for it . . . yes! Adam and Eve.

well we are far removed from the Garden of Eden, but kids were, are and always will be. they are an amazing blessing, but can also test every ounce of patience in your DNA. they make you smile, laugh, and make weird baby sounds, but they also make you pull out your hair, question your spirituality and usemidd names!

i guess God teaches us things through our kids. i keep telling HIm i have learned the lessons, so the tests can stop. ha, i guess He doesn't think so.

the truth is, kids are very rewarding and challenging at the same time. i would never trade them permanently, but might trade them for some extra sleep at times.

whether you have one, two, or ten arrows in your kid-quiver, your life is never the same once they enter your world. having kids makes me think, "what kind of kid was i?" probably an angel! ha! right, and if you believe that, i have some swamp land off the cost of Florida to sell you.

well, one of my blessings (kids) is fussy, gotta go show the love of Jesus to him!


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