Friday, August 15, 2008

the return

i have returned from my 2 week blog fast. that was intense (like camping).

actually, i have been lazy with my blog. it's not that i haven't thought about blogging. i just couldn't get into the mood i guess.

well, God has done many things in the past 2 weeks, so i will try to get you caught up . . .

(1) i finally got the DVD player in my van working (for those with small children, you know how big a deal this is)

(2) our church had the great honor of leading the church service at the Wood County Fair 2 Sundays ago. we led worship and God gave me a message on the Game of Life to preach. there were over 90 people there! it was a great morning.

(3) less than 2 hours after the fair service ended, we loaded up 3-14 passenger vans and headed down to Charlotte, NC for National Fine Arts/Youth Convention.
*the drive to Charlotte took 12 hours
*the people working at our hotel were amazing! (thanks Hampton Inn Uptown Charlotte!!)
*our students were amazing all week in competing and ministering and going after God during the services and behavior (well, for the most part)
*no hospital runs - thank God!
*we got to go White Water Rafting! that was amazing. i didn't fall in, but Pastor Scott, Sam Jennings, Robb Starr, and others did
*Planetshakers led worship for us at the services! they can rock it out an so sensitive to the Holy Spirit!
*Steve Pulis, Rod Whitlock, and Rick Lorimer brought the Word each night and each delivered a powerful message!

(4)i got to go to the Tigers/Blue Jays game Monday and one of the Jays players threw me a ball during batting practice! (Jays won 7-2)

(5) our softball team came up one run short of winning the league tournament on Tuesday. We had to win 3 games to be champs . . . Game #1 - we won 22-7, Game #2 - we won 17-2, and Game #3 - we were down 11-6 going into the 7th inning and scored 4 runs to make it 11-10 and had 2 on with 1 out, but couldn't get the run in!

(6) Eric Radabaugh preached on XLR8 while i was gone and Alex and Jake led worship! Thanks guys!

(7) God led me to preach on the Holy Spirit 2 nights ago in XLR8 and God poured it out on our students during service! Students, keep going after more and stay hungry!

(8) last night was Water Wars IV - one of my favorite junior high events of the year! it down poured on us and we loved it! the students were amazing and Jared Kobylski was the winner!

well, now you are caught up on my life. i plan to stay regular with the blogging now, so keep checking back!



Ryan Albrecht said...

Graces Place said...

happy bday to me!! sheesh!!! no need to do that by yourself!!!