isn't this the endless battle being fought in the supernatural realm? good vs. evil. ligh vs. darkness.
how much energy do you spend trying to fight against the sin tendencies in your life? how much energy do you spend fighting to get closer to God?
how's that working for you? (w/dr. phil tone)
i am believing more and more that we must put our energies into drawing closer to God, being filled more with His Spirit, and displaying healthy fruit in our lives. if we do this, then we will naturally allow sin less and less in our lives.
have you been stuck in the rut though when you put ALL your energies into fighting sin and have nothing left to go after God? i've been there and it can get frustrating.
i recently had a close friend remind me that i can defeat sin by opening my heart more to God's Spirit and allowing that to change me. my fight is against sin, but i can't line up and fight that 100% of the time, or i will never receive from God all that i need in order to truly change!
remember the house that was swept clean in the Bible, but not filled with more of God? when the enemy returned, he came in 7x stronger and the man was worse off.
i need to sweep my house clean of sin (don't miss my point), but then i need to go after God's Spirit with ALL the energy i have. only then, will i defeat sin. only then will i be who God wants me to be.
start today!
seek His presence, His Spirit, and His heart. do it right now! do it in a few hours! do it tonight! and get up tomorrow and do it again!
do you want change? start by pressing in closer to God!
winners gotta win
8 years ago