as i sit at the kitchen table this beautiful Thursday morning, my son, Nash, is waving to me. i'm not sure why he waves so much, but he definitely enjoys when you wave back to him or smile. the wave is an amazing thing . . . there he goes again, this time with more force and emotion.
people enjoy it when you recognize them and show them they are important by wave, hand shake, high five or even a head nod. i personally love the head nod. when someone is too cool to lift their hand high enough to wave or even smile at you, they will throw you the head nod to recognize you are worth their time and effort.
doesn't everybody deserve a wave or a head nod?
we are particular though about who receives these from us, aren't we?
twice in the last 48 hours, this verse from James 1 has crossed my path, "religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
what does that have to do with waves and head nods? well, James is talking about people who are outcasts in today's society. we must learn to love and reach out to these people who are labeled by the world as lesser or unimportant.
this means waving to them, head nodding, high fives, noogies, chest bumps, fist pounds and every other way you can think to greet or show your affection for people.
we cannot think of ourselves more highly than we are. and how high are we? (that's a loaded question). talking about, how elevated is our status compared to everyone else in the world. well, didn't Jesus say we must humble ourselves, like servant if we want to be great in the Kingdom of God?
so, this whole wave and head nod and accept everyone, regardless of the status symbol the world has branded them with, idea needs to be more than something we just happen to do. we must be intentional, seeking out the outcasts to chest bump (guys with guys and girl with girls - please) and fist pound.
this is our duty! this is the religion that God accepts as "pure and faultless."
so, the next time Nash or someone else waves to you, or the cool guy at school gives you a head nod, or some junior higher initiates you with a 15 part secret handshake . . . remember those who aren't even being recognized as people, and show them that they are important to God!